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Zoom(Mac版)にOBSのVirtual Camが正式対応しました|yamasakikakeruのブログ

先日,ZoomにOBSのVirtual Camが正式に対応しました.今まで,Virtual Camを使うにはZoomの権限を変える必要があり,セキュリティー上の懸念からやりませんでした.



The other day, Virtual Cam of OBS was officially supported by Zoom. Until now, you need to change the permissions of Zoom to use Virtual Cam, and the security I didn't do it because of the concerns above.

But now that it is officially supported, you can project OBS on screen sharing and so on. It is now possible to do so. You can also share slides for yourself without having to share your screen, which is quite convenient. Hey!

This is an actual picture of myself in class.

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